Terry Hildebrandt • Golden Triangle Colorado leads the nation in auto-thefts https://kdvr.com/news/problem-solvers/colorado-the-worst-state-per-capita-car-theft/. If you make a state attractive to criminals, they will flock to your state. Drug dealers, drug addicts, thieves, and unhoused tenters know that in Colorado they will likely not be arrested to begin with, and if they are, the judges will release them the same day on PR bonds. When there are no deterrents or consequences for crimes, then criminals will take over the city, which is what we are seeing now. Check out this interview with Denver Chief of Police Paul Pazen, where he explains it all - https://denvergazette.pressreader.com/article/281913071519348?fbclid=IwAR1mRNWpzcqmQI14klD8Hcgbr_BdbGZq2s4I7cqlgGH0mRHeBhTpXzr1MTk. To see what you can do to stop the further decline of Colorado see https://www.safeandcleandenver.com/actnow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terry Hildebrandt • Golden Triangle Scott the kdvr article points out that many or the car thefts are by drug abusers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scott H • Elyria Swansea (now you try to appease me ... so you ain't out to scapegoat "mentally ill" - there is overlap though, of course - but I'm not to worry about the particulars.) Did you listen to my audio? - something you don't need to know - everything about me is beneath you, right? I was overwhelmed there at the Senate Committee hearing because I am not sure why I would need to explain all of that. The people there didn't have a problem with me, do you see? (I was sitting next to the Weld Cnty Sheriff.) Nothing you can learn from me, though. You probably voted for that law, didn't you? The DPD were giving away steering wheel locks awhile back (do I have to provide a source, Mr. Troll?) but why would they use taxpayer money on such a program if they didn't see it as important? As citizens you don't heed the advice but complain that the police are ineffective and, in all truth, there's this neo-right-winger posit promoting & glorifying (vigilante) violence. Property crimes (that yes, can escalate ... very good you catch that much - you aware like that), again, if you were millionaires than the issue wouldn't affect you. So either be a millionaire or use a steering wheel lock. Do you understand? Still, no. You're looking to scapegoat whoever doesn't want to align with your "community" of providing armchair advice & labeling people. You know nothing about M1 hold laws but all about making them more stringent? They're supposed to provide for access to an attorney but why would somebody need one since people are just trying to help them, right? Exactly what happens. (It's to "placate".) Like bad things just can't happen to somebody locked in a psych unit - or it would be their fault for allowing themselves to be in the position to allow that to happen to them because somebody like you wouldn't ever allow yourself to be locked up, right? ... like everybody's intentions are good & that's what matters (to you) & sadistic people wouldn't work in the mental health field ... it just all doesn't affect you so you have the "gummit" to take care of the problem.