George Kerber Erfahren Reyndur ... a good business owner is always looking to the future state of the markets and how that will affect their return on investment. Just the threat of rent controls, lowers the value of all rental property. Source: Basic Economics 101. In first months since passage of St. Paul’s rent-control ordinance, housing construction is way down | MinnPost MINNPOST.COM -------------------------------- Erfahren Reyndur Section 8 requires landlords to maintain property to abide by state housing laws (CRS 38-12 Part 5) and the penalty for not correcting violations within the allowed time frame of 30 days is that the state will stop its portion of a voucher recipient's rent payments until the violations are corrected, George Kerber. By law the tenant is not responsible for the state's portion ... the landlord agrees to that stipulation. Then there's (your) "real world" where the landlord can play it off like it's the big bad gov't and look what y'all have to deal with & (yep) "it's a tight rental market" (a local county judge explained that to me after he heard a man like you perjure himself ... hell - the judge led him in questioning ... I have the transcripts up on the www ... this whole time I linked to that.) This idea that voucher recipients aren't worthy of the help or whatever cultural ("public opinion") is popular shouldn't be exploited to make your business easier ... you say it's not you? That's just it ... You reply with some article to support one of your points ... I deserve what I have & worked hard for it & so you take issue with my state then go do business elsewhere. This is where I ended up in my work