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This is a sociology presentation about a man that deliberately misconstrues my comment on Facebook social media platform. He accuses me of racism when I pointed out that the students of color were unable to articulate how they were being mistreated by the principal exactly. The parents used the word "micro-aggression" in regards to the principal's behavior and that use of the word was being mocked by other commenters so I was responding to those types of comments; there were a few present when I commented. Those people were mocking the parents of the students of color and I was supporting & defending the parents and I was called a racist for that. (A couple of other commenters mentioned that the "mistreated" accusation was too vague, so I was addressing that as well.) Brooks Miller jumped on an opportunity to label me the opposite of how I am and harass me. That's what abusive people do & now I have a new eleven dollar world wide web domain. I will most likely continue to add content to the page/site. I link to the original news article in my virtue signaling paragraph, lower in this page.

I suppose the issue was that I used the term "of color" in "...the students of color..." in my comment. Someone else pointed out that the school consists of 97% of the students are of color so I was somehow "wrong" to include that (because my profile photo I obviously look too white to understand anything other than white issues from a white perspective only for sake of arguing here) ... the problem is though (besides, of course, that no source was given for that information and, of course, none should be required) ... but the problem is that I was really paraphrasing the news article. The article mentioned that the students were Black & Latino and they felt the mistreatment was because of their race and the word they used was "mistreated" the word their parents used was "micro-aggression" and there were people commenting that were critical of the vagueness of the description of the principal's behavior (I'm repeating myself, I know) but I was going by the information the news article gave. I made the comment that maybe the students ... the involved students ... the students in question ... oh, it was all about semantics but really just an opportunity for someone to be pedantic in order to intimidate & oppress & suppress my free speech. Basically what happened was I was labeled a racist and received a veiled death threat because I paraphrased a news article, accurately, I might add. The end result was that a white man wanted to ally with people of obvious color to oppress & physically threaten me, a white-looking mixed-race (& disabled, by federal law) individual who has a documented report within the mental health system of being a victim of a racially motivated hate crime where an attempt was made on my life in the late 1980's. So ...

What really disturbs me about this is that it's similar to what happened to me a few times when I was younger. I was expected to take on a role of "racial solidarity" and understand that I need to adhere to the predominant color of my skin in regards to my loyalty. With the "talk about issues without the lens of race" comment I was expected to accept the role of the racial solidarity since I look white my opinion will only be considered as coming from a white man (which already disregards the "without the lens of race" criteria - or it's a one-sided criteria ... anyway), but in effect what happened was that I won't accept that role since there is the obvious implication that I am also to take on a responsibility for the oppression of people of color. I am from Union abolitionist heritage though, and my family's history is closely tied to Black American history to where it was an intregal part of my upbringing to be aware of the suffering that the Black people have endured. The reply to me was requiring me to only discuss racial issues "without the lens of race" so the point is to put me in the position where it's only acceptable for me to comment as a white man who is ignorant of racial disparity and issues so I was to be the totem racist white man and another white man was gathering reinforcements, and the obvious goal would be to include people of color, to silence me. I am a honored veteran, a Free Quaker, and my family originally was escaping persecution in England in the 17th Century - members of Society of Friends were tortured and killed both there and in America.

The Mexican Repatriation is something that needs to be discussed too since their descendants would be affected. I have a theory that there would be descendants of those that would've returned some how and they could have an underlying resentment - or lack of validation - that was unavoidably inherited. The point to that is within any family that was affected there would always be the noticeable hardship & suffering and the reality of the experiences would become integral part of their ethnic heritage - a person can't really say much about anybody without including information about environmental factors, so it stands to reason. One thing that I associate in my mind (with my current education level) is that descendants of Blacks (the freed slaves at the time) that were affected by Jim Crow laws (which was psychological torture with their mere existence) would inherit a natural distrust of gov't., or it wouldn't be unreasonable to consider that possible. The way I see it there are white people who are willing to address that level of U.S. history ... but of course then they're put into the position of every racial injustice of the past can be brought up ... so there's the stone wall ... and tension ... and I might not be the only mixed-race person who ends up feeling scapegoated. Sure it's like so boo-hoo but the whole time I'm seen as benefiting from white heritage and not subject to discrimination or crime directly because of my (perceived) race, but I have been discriminated against and I most definitely have had (violent) crimes committed against me in my life. ⇽ I really only include all of that to help establish my credibility as autodidact sociologist. I'd just like to add that so when I refer to myself as mix-race, which I know I am to an extent, it's for academic clout purposes and not cultural appropriation. (*I was told that) My g'g'g-ma was part Blackfoot and she was a great influence on my grandmother. I had a fairly close relationship with my grandmother and she was intellectual and insisted on values of compassion, human dignity & equality; and she was great influence to me, too. I also figure that there was most likely some other social science orientated person, even formally educated, that has considered that descendants of those directly impacted by the Jim Crow laws (for example here) may have increased experience with various social issues and there may have even been a study done to that effect. Sociology isn't monopolized, but it's still confined by capitalism and that directly affects me since in my researching I often hit the academic paywall, oh they charge money to access their essays! The point is though, psychology wise, is that people can feel marginalized and not validated for many reasons, it's not weakness, there may be something with the person's inherited values that isn't congruent with the current social atmosphere. Expecting anyone to be able to express a distress in such a way that they wouldn't be immediately dismissed as weak is unreasonable. There is ongoing problem with the younger adult generation projecting adult cognitive maturity onto adolescents & children, the continued atrocity of charging minors as adults for crimes is a direct result of that and it's human rights violation since it is a localized, arbitrary policy; the main reasoning is retaliation against the minors.

The original news article here: Denver Principal On Administrative Leave Following Allegations Of Discrimination. It's a local issue, and sure I'm personalizing it here but I also know that I don't entirely only speak on my own perspective in this, and I do share the goal of harmony for security & stability. In this incident the students involved were Black & Latino, but that was something I had to go back and check, actually. I'm not attempting to make some connection with the topic in my previous paragraph here, that was something that came to mind for me. In my comments I mentioned Natives (Indigenous) because they can have difficulties in social situations. I was instructed, as it were by Mr. Miller, to talk about the issues without the "lens of race", but race gives indication of (inherited) ethnicity (from my understanding) so if you're someone that actively engages in culture studies ... whoever you are ... then bringing up race doesn't necessarily indicate prejudice. I sometimes take an opportunity to mention Indigenous people since they're still in dire straits. With humanitarian issues there will be marginalized people. The injustices committed by whites is of popular discussion that is naturally intertwined with world & American/U.S. history, critical race theory is an associated phrase, but I haven't intentionally or specifically studied anything on that. I never necessarily quested for expertise on the topic, and there is immense tragedy involved. It's something people study on their own, oftentimes, I'm sure I am not alone on that point. (This is good place as any to bring up that there were events where white culture was stymied when the fact was there were moral goals to mitigate injustice elsewhere.) I'm also sure that I'm not alone in being a white (looking) person that has been put in bad situations ... even dangerous ... in attempt to force me to "take sides" ... or, a side ... and I had to walk away, in whatever form that took at the time; but that same event could be (mis)construed as me bailing out for a cowardly (or similar) reason ... and what can be terrifying is if anyone of color construes it that way. I'm sure that I'm also not the only white (looking) person that has kept it to myself when confronted with prejudice ... "cross we bear", as it were ... so this can be the virtue signaling paragraph, sure. My entitlement ... well, our entitlement to human rights is what is important, and even including whites from families that (mostly) knowingly and purposely avoided capitalizing on tyranny to avoid partaking in oppression to their best ability.

It's not lost on me that Mr. Miller thought he was confronting me on an impropriety of mine regarding my attitude about minority students, but I am still not sure whether it was an honest misinterpretation or he was deliberately attempting to stymie, undermine, & actually silence me; a.k.a. utilize intimidation and threat in attempt to suppress my freedom of speech. I really think it must be that he saw an opening to teach me how I could be misconstrued, and it was dangerous for me to put myself in that position and lo & behold I received an implied death threat with the "veiled ..." crack of Matt Jeffrey's. (That label could put me in physical danger since I live in the city and I don't conceal that fact.) Someone else understood my meaning so it would seem that the attack on me was intentional. ... This paragraph was added earlier if this seems pieced together. I will attempt to keep this presentation brief though. I decided to not use the word "advocacy" here since it seems more personal, as of now. I'm sure I'm not the only descendant of Union families who have difficulty with being judged racist at every turn. At that thought it dawned on me that this bit of Brooks's might be recruitment tactic. Can't beat them, join them" type thing. I was being accussed & judged as racist by a white person (not by a person of color) but maybe goal is to get others' reinforcement ... but there's the point to confound since any arguement I make is considered defensive and the implication is that I am obviously defensive because I am caught being a racist white person and I am unable to, you know, 'fess up because I'm scarred & all ... but there's help & acceptance available there and they (the wok whities) are there to guide me ... am I wrong? I'm gonna just end up talking myself into (their) hole, no matter what, so it'd be best if I gave up and conceded, am I wrong? (Of course not!) So it was recruitment tactics ... but this man, Brooks Miller, just so happened to tread into MileHi!

(Screen captures included here in conformance with fair use in this criticism.)

Note: The image popup behavior of the CSS template I used is a bit strange & may not work well on mobile devices but I'm not utilizing Javascript code.


this is separate thread that I'm including to be thorough

In this comment I mentioned Common Core.
There was an ongoing criticism regarding the visuo-spatial exercises.

"We want and are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens: The right to earn a living at work for which we are fitted by training and ability; equal opportunities in education, health, recreation, and similar public services; the right to vote; equality before the law; some of the same courtesy and good manners that we ourselves bring to all human relations."
~ (Dr.) Martin Luther King, Jr. from August 6, 1946 letter to editor of Atlanta newspaper.

The biggest danger to our rights today is not from government acting against the will of the majority
but from government which has become the mere instrument of this majority...
Wrong will be done as much by an all-powerful people as by an all-powerful prince.
~ James Madison

Class conflict is another concept which upsets the oppressors, since they do not wish to consider themselves an oppressive class. Unable to deny, try as they may, the existence of social classes, they preach the need for understanding and harmony between those who buy and those who are obliged to sell their labor. However, the unconcealable antagonism which exists between the two classes makes this "harmony" impossible. ~ Paulo Freire

"Only a lively appreciation of dissent's vital function at all levels of society can preserve it as a corrective to wishful thinking, self-inflation, and unperceived rigidity"  The Wrong Way Home : Uncovering the patterns of cult behavior in American society | by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D
ISBN 10: 0807029157 ISBN 13: 9780807029152

One of my more recent projects was converting scanned magazine articles to digital text and one in a Colorado History magazine (printed in 1973) included an article about Junius R. Lewis. There was an injustice committed against him that entailed gender issues as well as the racism that he had to contend with. It's a fascinating story!

Photograph of my old department crewmembers & I displaying our
Battle Efficiency Award onboard the now decommissioned USS Wabash AOR-5


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